Fixin the little things is a page where I can share family and handyman information. Basically, this blog is all about me. Shameless self-promotion: of my family photos, of my services, of my writing, of my future, of my amazing ability to come up with clever ideas on photos of my life experiences . . . And also, a blatant visual aide when it comes to colors, spelling, formating, editing and computer stuff.

Fixin' The Little Things

Friday, October 16, 2009

Salt Lake City Weather view

A Live view into our Utah weather. Check back often and refresh your screen:

U of U

Live shot, so best viewed in the daytime.
The view is from the south east corner of Salt Lake viewing northwest.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Brandon!

Happy Birthday Brandon!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Sammy!

Happy Birthday Sammy!

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